Care after Cosmetic Reconstruction
Remember that it will take time to adjust to the feel of your brand new bite. When the bite is altered or the position of the teeth is changed it takes several days for the “brain” to recognize the new position of your teeth or their thickness as normal. If you continue to detect any high spots or problems with your bite, call us so we can schedule an adjustment appointment.
It’s normal to experience some hot, cold, and pressure sensitivity. Removing tooth structure and placement of new materials may result in a period of adjustment. Your gums may also be sore for several days. Rinse three times a day with warm salt water (a tsp of salt in a cup of warm water, rinse-swish-spit) to reduce pain and swelling. Mild pain medication should ease your discomfort during the adjustment period.
Don’t be concerned if your speech is affected for the first few days. You’ll quickly adapt and be speaking normally. You may notice increased salivary flow. Your brain may respond to the new size and shape of your teeth by increasing salivary flow. This should subside to normal within a week or two.
Daily plaque removal is critical for the long term success of your dental work. Maintain a regular oral hygiene route. Daily brushing and flossing is a must. Regular cleaning appointments in our office are also critically important. We’ll use the appropriate cleaning abrasives and techniques for your specific cosmetic work.
It’s important to change habits to protect your new teeth. Any food that could chip, crack, or damage your natural teeth can do the same to your new cosmetic restorations. Avoid sticky candies, any unusually hard foods substances, (such as peanut brittle, fingernails, pencils, or ice). Avoid or minimize your use of foods that stain such as tea, coffee, red wine and berries. Smoking will quickly yellow your teeth.
Let us know if you grind your teeth at night or engage in sports so we can make you a custom mouthguard. Adjusting to the look and feel of your new smile will take time. If you have any problems or concerns, we always welcome your questions. Thank you very much for choosing Dr. Britt and the team at Britt Dental for your dental treatment.